Excess skin sagging around your thighs can leave you self-conscious. You deserve to feel confident in your skin! A Thigh Lift with Dr. Basile can tighten your upper thighs for more toned, leaner looking legs.
About a Thigh Lift
It is common that fat collects in the thighs in women and in those with high estrogen levels, but as we age, this fat can sag with excess skin. A Thigh Lift is a procedure that removes the flabby skin and fat from your inner and/or outer thighs. This process involves removing skin, minimizing excess tissue, and re-contouring your thighs. In some cases, liposuction is necessary to achieve the desired contour.
Am I a good candidate?
A typical candidate for this procedure has excess skin and fat around the thighs. These candidates are self-conscious about their appearance and wish to improve their quality of life with firmer, more proportional thighs. To be considered for this procedure, you must be a non-smoker and in good health. If this sounds like you, a Thigh Lift may be your way to a happier, more confident you!
How is a Thigh Lift procedure performed?
A Thigh Lift procedure can differ based on the need for an inner lift, outer lift or both. The inner, or medial lift, requires an incision near your groin to remove the skin and if necessary, the fat. The groin area from the top of your inner thigh to your knee is then re-contoured for an aesthetically pleasing result that enhances your natural proportions. An outer, or lateral lift, requires more incisions as the buttocks usually requires some contouring as well to ensure a natural end result. This incision will start at the groin and extend around the hip below the fold of your buttocks.
Results and Recovery
A Thigh Lift can be an intensive procedure. You can expect bruising and swelling as well as minor pain, but Dr. Basile will prescribe medication to minimize discomfort. Approximately two weeks will be necessary to relax and give your body time to heal after to your procedure. Dr. Basile will give you a compression garment to be worn during this time for up to one month following to give the area additional support while your body heals. Dr. Basile will provide more specific information for what to expect post-procedure as results and recovery will vary.
Your consultation in Jacksonville, Florida
To discuss your concerns and options for a Thigh Lift procedure, contact Dr. Basile in Jacksonville, Florida today!