Breast Reconstruction in Jacksonville | Breast Surgery in Florida

Are you undergoing a Mastectomy, but do not want to lose your breasts? Breast Reconstruction surgery can be a method of your choosing to restore your breasts post-procedure.

About Breast Reconstruction

A Breast Reconstruction is performed on patients who have had a Mastectomy to help restore the breast. A Mastectomy is the removal of the breast to remove cancer or prevent further spreading of cancer in the breast. A reconstruction procedure can make you feel more confident after your mastectomy with natural-looking breasts using implants or your own natural tissues.

How is a Breast Reconstruction procedure performed?

A Breast Reconstruction procedure can be performed using breast implants, skin, fat and muscle to recreate the look of a natural breast. You have various options based on your aesthetic goals. First, you must decide if you prefer to have the reconstruction done directly following your Mastectomy or rebuild your breasts later in another surgery. If you need further radiation, have additional health problems, or simply want to wait, you may select a later rebuild. However, immediate reconstruction can be beneficial as your own skin is preserved, which can help with the natural-looking shape of the breast. Your procedure may also require a hospital stay for a few nights depending on your case.

Results and Recovery

Recovery time from Breast Reconstruction will vary based on your particular procedure. You can expect a month or two before you return to all normal activities and you should be back to work within two weeks. Swelling and bruising may occur for up to 4 weeks post procedure.

Your Consultation in Jacksonville, Florida

Many aspects of a Breast Reconstruction will vary based on your procedure and specific case. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Basile in Jacksonville, Florida today to see your procedural options as well as expected results and recovery.

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